Chairperson: Andrew Parker, Board Secretary (AdvanSix)
Vice Chairperson: Terelle Robinson, Director (Richard Bland College of William & Mary)
The committee is open to all members and will meet quarterly.
The committee is responsible for developing and delivering policy positions and cohesive messaging
Reviewing local, regional, and state activities including economic development and planning activities
Attending government engagement events, including those pertaining to fundraising and campaigning in order to develop relationships with policymakers
Proactively seeks knowledge of community concerns and successes
Sends and receives summary reports across the Chamber to ensure alignment of activities.
Members: Brandon Butterworth (Community Foundation Richmond), Dana Newcomer (CCWA) , Kerrick Loyd (WestRock) (CaRMA-VA)
Subcommittee: Capitol Region Military Alliance (CaRMA-VA)Chairperson: Kerrick Loyd, Army SGM (ret.), Smurfit Westrock, Operations Manager(Corrugated)Vice Chair: Colin Romanick, Chamber Past President; Pamplin Park, Executive DirectorStaff Lead: Becky McDonoughMembers: Kristen Pudlow (Prince George County); Jay Ellington, (Crater Planning District Commission); Dana Newcomer, (CCWA)- Chamber President; Mike Flanagan, Army COL (ret.), Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army; Jeff Stoke, (Prince George County), Stephen Baker, (DLA Richmond), Eric Tatum, (Dominion Energy), Colin Romanick (Pamplin Historical Park) -
Membership Committee Chair: Dana Newcomer
Vice Chair: Lee Bujakowski, Director
Members: Hal Hamner, Director
This committee is open to all members.
Tracks existing, potential, and inactive members; obtains feedback from existing members to improve "services"
Sends and receives summary reports across the Chamber to ensure alignment of activities.
Tourism and Hospitality
Co-Chairs: Rosie Reighley, Chamber Staff, Communications & Marketing Specialist
Vice Chair: Makayla Christensen (Prince George County Economic Development Specialist)
Members: Colin Romanick (Pamplin Park), Peter Saless (Stay Over Suites), Adam Perry (Kalyan Hospitality), Jeremiah Macon (Kalyan Hospitality), Heather Lyne (Hopewell Downtown Partnership), Charles Bennett (City of Hopewell), Ginger Holland (Interim Communications and Government Relations Director)
This committee is open to all members and will meet monthly. The committee will provide the voice for hospitality, seek recognition for tourism professionals and tourism assets, advise on marketing, education, and sector jobs. Tourism and hospitality industry provides revenue for the City and County in the form of lodging and meals tax, and provides for a focus on quality of life assets for local residents and businesses. Measuring our efforts to help this important sector rebound from the pandemic is critical.
Growing tourism among local residents and visitors is a creative fun endeavor. Members of this committee enjoy getting to know the assets and events in the region, and working collaboratively to enhance our offerings and tell our story.
Sends and receives summary reports across the chamber to ensure alignment of activities. Recent projects include: Launch of the 5 & Dime Tour (www.5anddimeva.com); Dixie Softball Tournament; Restaurant Ribbon Cuttings; Nominating Locals to the Virginia Restaurant Lodging and Travel Association Ordinary Awards. Upcoming collaboration on new festival "Rivers and Roads"
Meeting Frequency: Bi-Monthly, Virtual with the flexibility to hold in person meeting if desired.
Events and Communications
Chairperson: Nicole Fernandez, Board VP
Vice Chair: Brandon Butterworth, Director
Staff Lead: Becky McDonough, Chamber CEO
Members: Lee Bujakowski (Marks and Harrison), Charles Bennett (City of Hopewell), Brandon Butterworth (Community Foundation of Richmond), Terelle Robinson (Richard Bland College), Adam Perry (Kalyan Hospitality), Jeremiah Macon (Kalyan Hospitality) Staff: Rosie Reighley, LuAnn Clark,
Subcommittee Golf Open Members: Valerie Brockett (Prince George County), Tara Jones (James R. Jones Builder), Debbie Eckstein, (VSP Technologies), Bob Latino (Prelical Solutions), Jacilyn Lipford (Prince George County), Kathleen Halpaus (Timmons Group)
The committee is open to all members.
Assists in developing and supporting the communications strategy; tracks existing and potential events; proposes member-only and community events; recognizes all new members
Sends and receives summary reports across the Chamber to ensure alignment of activities.
Members: Lee Bujakowski, Charles Bennett, Brandon Butterworth, Terelle Robinson, Adam Perry, Staff: Rosie Reighley, LuAnn Clark, (Subcommittee Golf Open: Valerie Brockett, Tara Jones, Debbie Eckstein)
Meeting frequency: Signature Events Subcommittee - as determined by chair; Event Committee TBD
Workforce Chairperson: Open
Vice Chair: Charles Bennett (City of Hopewell)
Members: Sarah Preston (ITAC), Dana Newcomer (Community College Workforce Alliance), Hal Hamner (ACI- Atlantic Constructors, Inc.), Yoti Jabri (Prince George County), Kristina Truell (Hopewell Public Schools-CTE), Ashton Girolmo (Prince George Public Schools-CTE), Bob Latino (Prelical Solutions), Adam Perry (Kalyan Hospitality), Becky McDonough (Chamber CEO)
The committee is open to all members and will meet quarterly. The workforce development strategy is to fulfill an advisory role with our public schools; a community partner to support our member's workforce needs and to offer professional development and workforce programs. This committee will work with advocacy, both general advocacy and Capitol Region Military Alliance. Given the region-wide need for qualified workers, the emerging skills needed for jobs of the future, the chamber can help build a sustainable network of connections and resources helping to lessen overlap and fill gaps, and work with others to deliver solutions to needs.